게시판 공지사항


Rebranding and corporate website 2021/03/09 (16:00) 조회(509) 관리자

Dear country heads,

Our GIC mark and logo have been used as a mark of trust and confidence for more than 15 years.  In this rapid changing world, GIC has to create a new identity to reflect our brand position and our expanded services in laboratory testing, product certification and inspection and most importantly, to project a consistent professional corporate image to our clients that we are all in a Group as a whole just as any other established TIC companies. As such we are embarking on a rebranding exercise to modernise our logo and revamp our website to reflect such changes.

It is anticipated the rebranding exercise including the new corporate website will be ready by first quarter of this year.

We would like to bring to your attention on the following:

  • The new corporate website will have a dedicated webpage for every country and every agent, regardless whether currently the agents have their own GIC website site.
  • If currently your website uses GIC name and/ or logo, please stop them by end of this month. This includes any official social media platform such as LinkedIn.   
  • You are not allowed to set up your own website with the old and new GIC brand name and logo. New GIC name and logo will only be allowed on the new GIC Corporate website.
  • We believe the new website will improve your online presence when your clients search you on internet.
  • All contents for your new web pages will be in English. If you wish to have your web contents in your local language, please approach us to work out the details. 
  • On regularly basis, we can update your local information and latest news when you provide us your contents.
  • We will communicate with you regarding the launch of new brand name and logo and the related cost for your new web pages.


Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any queries.

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